What we do

Globalworks conducts social media research and analyses online available posts and documents. We identify grievances and human rights violations in places where workers and other stakeholders are not adequately protected. Our research provides a rights holder perspective without relying on physical access or solicitation in repressive environments. With our analytical framework social@risk™ we can study practices and mechanisms that expose workers and communities to adverse human rights impacts. We provide qualitative and quantitative data on the salience and distribution of human rights risks.

How we work

For each project, we collect data from relevant social media sites, online forums, blogs, and news outlets. We interpret the retrieved data against the backdrop of country and industry risks. To derive insights from millions of posts, we developed social@risk™, an analytical framework for quantitative and qualitative analysis of large text corpora.

Experts use social@risk™ to find information about grievances and human rights violations. We relate these data points to applicable standards such as the Better Work Compliance Assessment Tool. Our reports inform not only on the salience of rights violations but also on the interdependence of risks and their underlying malpractices.